Thursday, August 14, 2008

The first harvest

Our garden has produced its first harvest: 2 cherry tomatoes! Lucas does not like tomatoes, so these were enjoyed only by me. I had to savor them, because I'm not sure the plant will produce any seems to have developed some kind of disease (perhaps blight?) and has no signs of further tomato growth at this point. I plan to continue to water it in hopes that we will get a few more, but at any rate, I am happy to have at least these 2 in my first gardening attempt! Our squash plants are enormous now and have a few flowers that bloomed this week. Although I am really excited about them, I am also a bit sad in that in their growth, they have begun to take over some of the other squares of the garden, completely hanging over and blocking the sun of the peppers and parsley. Both peppers and parsley still seem to be hanging in there, so we'll see...The watermelon has also begun to vine out of the box and we are now trailing it along the side of the deck. And, the basil, which I thought was a lost cause, is finally starting to grow! We also have mesclun, which is fair to good. Something ate half of the red leaf variety, but the rest is looking good. I'll have to get out there soon and take some updated pictures.


Anonymous said...

mesclun? that's not the same thing as mescaline, is it? what kind of garden are you running?

Unknown said...

Ha ha. Mesclun (pronunciation: MESS-klunn) is a salad mix of assorted small, young salad leaves. The seed packet just had a mix of all different lettuce varieties. Doesn't matter anyway, though, since snails ate them all. Boo.

Kelly said...

Previous comment was from Kelly. Forgot to log Lucas out.